Thursday, March 29, 2012

Howrse has something in common with real life?!

      Everbody knows that sometimes horse sellers aren't allways legit, honest, or even fair. this even flows over into the digital horse world. Howrse is a popular horse breeding game that I am VERY involved in. check me out at here. So I have a "rescue" where I buy mixed breed, uni-rejects, and you name it for 600e. I train them up to their full potential and then sell them to new players for 800e to let them have a good horse for less price since most are on a tight budget. So I sold someone a mustang to help them out but... just look! They turn the price right around and made a 9,200e profit!

    Here is another one that I found:

          I actually feel sorry for this person. Neither one of us knew how much the donkey was worth (even though she couldn't be used for breeding. This sort of thing happens in the real world all the time so LOOK OUT!

P.S. Love ya'll so I made a funny blog for horse peop



    things like this happen though, where some one actually works on a horse (Or bonuses it) and sells it for a profit. In this case i put a harmony pack on the hose and sol it on for a 45,500e profit
