Thursday, March 29, 2012

Howrse has something in common with real life?!

      Everbody knows that sometimes horse sellers aren't allways legit, honest, or even fair. this even flows over into the digital horse world. Howrse is a popular horse breeding game that I am VERY involved in. check me out at here. So I have a "rescue" where I buy mixed breed, uni-rejects, and you name it for 600e. I train them up to their full potential and then sell them to new players for 800e to let them have a good horse for less price since most are on a tight budget. So I sold someone a mustang to help them out but... just look! They turn the price right around and made a 9,200e profit!

    Here is another one that I found:

          I actually feel sorry for this person. Neither one of us knew how much the donkey was worth (even though she couldn't be used for breeding. This sort of thing happens in the real world all the time so LOOK OUT!

P.S. Love ya'll so I made a funny blog for horse peop

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Go Snarky!

So, I am an avid reader of  the snarkyrider blog. The new (I think new) site badge is AMAZING! I agree so much with it and love it that I must create a similar badge of my own. Now what shall it be?
I just LOVE it! (sorry guys about the lame post, I am in fact lazy)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dover Fail: Elite Edition 2012-2013

   So, personally, I love Dover. They have the best stuff ever. I get all of my show clothes from them. I also love Professional's Choice(PC). I have never EVER seen another elastic girth that I like for the price. Both companies have good, quality stuff. However, on a funny note, I do question their photo shopping skills. Gina Miles has partnered with PC to create a line of bits along with an endorsement. She is a wonderful rider and in 2008 she competed in the Beijing Olympics on McKinlaigh (who is a wonderful horse). So, I noticed that the boots looked suspiciously too clean in the picture in the catalog. Plus, who wears SMBs at 4* XC in first place (in addition to NOT being taped). The blue SMB boots and bell boots just did't feel right.
Sorry for the bad quality!
      So I googled some images of Gina competing at the Olympics and TADA! Different boots!

    See?! White, ribbed pull-on bell boots! I will admit the taping on the XC boots is blue but this defiantly doesn't match the ad in Dover! Oh well... just goes to show that you can't trust a picture anymore. I am not bashing anyone in particular I just thought that it was interesting and was wondering if anybody else noticed? Ta-ta for now my fellow horse lovers! 


So, when a drug dealer wants to have repeat customers he gives away the first sample for free. however the person is then hooked and mus continue to buy- yada-yada-yada. So check out this add that I found on craigslist for horse lessons. I think that this proves how amazingly addicting horses are. Please note that these horses ARE in good condition.
  *New foal should be arriving tonight! Wish us luck!*

Sunday, March 4, 2012

What is correctness?

   I am often asked my opinion of a correct rider. I just recently posted in HGS forum what I believe correctness is. Here is what I wrote:

     Correctness is found in any happy, healthy, safe, conservatively dressed, sound, sane horse and rider in any sport. Willingness and ability to learn are important, too. As is a good match between horse and handler. They don't have to be perfect with two billion under saddle points. They just need to be motivated to learn from their mistakes to become better, even if that means learning how to finally post on the right diagonal.They need to be able minded and able bodied. No limping horses. No forced children. Nobody pushed beyond their limit; horse, rider, and parent included. that is correctness in any discipline. No matter what anybody else says.

      Yes, of course there is a correct way to ride, a correct way to jump, a correct way to post, etc. But that is not what this post is about. Think about it...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

ESPN follow up.

So, everybody have a nice time watching the eventing video? I think that it brings up some good points about safety and stupid people that buy horses WAY too advanced for the rider. Not to say that putting a rider on an experienced horse isn't a bad thing. The fact that they called eventing expensive and exclusive just tickled me to death! I thought that this was hilarious! Yes, we need 1-2 sets of tack. Yes, we go to XC schooling that cost a good bit. But, we DO NOT compare to the money spent on hunter horses, dressage horsesetc. I will admit I have seen eventers go for a bundle of money however, it allays gives me chills when on a website for some stable they have two categories for horses that are for sale. On one in particular they have "Under $50,000" and "Over $50,000". WHAT!?!? (might I mention that the under category said "none at the moment")
      As far as being exclusive eventing is...well... not. At all. These can be some of the most welcoming people! well, sorry for the random rant on a small part of this video, but yeah. I have MANY more interesting posts that I am working on that I am sure will cause a stir with my millions thousands hundreds twenty umm...five viewers. Please! Let me know that you are out there!

Me, the Penny-Pincher

      I just love horse shopping. Finding a good horse pleases me very much. My horse trailer costs more than my best horse. I don't see anything wrong with this. No matter what show I am at people allways gasp when they hear how much a paid for my horse. In the local hunter circut, my horse costs on average $20,000 less than theirs. It is almost the same for the local dressage horses. It never fail to astonish people that my $3,000 rescue mare places consistantly and even wins sometimes.
     I was browsing yesterday and found a few ads that just BLEW MY MIND. These horses are probably very-well trained and have prestigious blodliness. However, I cannot see myself ever buying a $200,000 hunter horse. I will not post a picture or name the horse because anybody that has this money for a horse probably can find a way for their lawyer to sue me for ruining the sale of this horse. 
      Reading the ad I thought "Wow, nice bloodlines, good conformation, nice height, etc" So I scroll down to the description. What does the title say? "POTENTIAL TO WIN!" Huh? What? EXCUSE ME?!?! Potential? As in hasn't won anything yet? How old is he? I will tell you: 10 y/o. I, personally would NOT fork out 200,000 smack-a-roonies for a hunter horse that hasn't won anything. I thought the whole point of buying an expensive "push-button" hunter was to just hang on and win... but that's just me. I love a nicely trained hunter but this price would likely send me into cardiac arrest. 
     On another fine afternoon, I spied a dressage horse sale website. Hmm... la-ti-da-bla-bla-bla. $40k, $70k, but then... "Private treaty in the six digits" Um... what? Title: "Yearling stud colt by [insert name of fancy stud]" I think I just peed my pants...
      Enough for you? ever heard of Green Monkey? Well, apparently a lot of green was used to create this TB race horse that sold for a whopping $16,000,000 according to He is listed at a pet, but any horse person knows that this is no pet!
     He is gorgeous though.

And look! He has a great personality!
Oh yeah! The ladies LOVE him!
(I know I do!)

Future prediction: This lucky soul will probably not end up having to be re homed as an OTTB.